Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom The Problem of Gangs essay

buy custom The Problem of Gangs essay As it is known, to increase its power and strengthen the control, every gang endeavors to recruit new members. Unfortunately, the most probable candidates are the students of the middle and high schools since they possess required physical characteristics. Besides, the minds of teenagers are especially vulnerable and can be easily manipulated. Therefore, pretty often the youth becomes a target of gangs leaders. It goes without saying that the purpose of police officers is to eliminate and control the plausible expansion of mobsters in their areas. To elaborate an effective individual plan of actions, first of all, a police officer is supposed to define and study the reasons why an adolescent may become interested in joining a gang. It is crucial because apprehension of these factors helps to distinguish the most efficient ways to decrease the criminals negative impact on young individuals. There are certain consistent patterns according to which the recruitment of new gang members happens. For example, children may not get enough attention at home and/or at school and search for the ways to replace the missing relationship. Unfortunately, the desired interaction may be found in a gang since it creates the sense of friendship and family (Friedrichs, 1999). The teenagers may mistakenly consider such treatment as an advantage to get emotional closeness that implies understanding and acceptance, which they lack at home or school. Besides, joining a gang often becomes a means to avoid unpleasant daily experience at home and educational establishment. To be more specific, the acknowledgement that one is a part of something more powerful is a defensive mechanism of persons mind. It helps to increase self-esteem and become more confident instead of feeling distress and dissatisfaction in class or during family time (Friedrichs, 1999). Moreover, associating with criminals may b e considered as a manifestation of the survival instinct. In particular, the idea to join a group of powerful people and be protected by them reduces the fear of being abused by adults or peers. In addition, the youth engages in illegal interaction in ordr to obtain respect and financial prosperity (Friedrichs, 1999). Furthermore, young individuals whose relatives are connected with neighborhood gang (s) may be compelled by their families (or just feeling obliged) to enter the criminal world in order to continue family tradition. In addition, some students feel bored, they do not have strictly determined life goals and thus, are poorly motivated to maintain legal and ethical social interaction. Besides, certain teenagers have not developed the skills to constructively express feelings of anger and rage (Friedrichs, 1999). It means that they tend to seek for alternative ways to reveal their internal emotional conditions. Taking into account the causes of entering the gangs and the patterns of this process, it is possible to elaborate an individual plan of actions for a police officer who aims to lessen the crime statistics. The measures to avert successful recruitment of new gang members presume working with children as well as with their parents and teachers. First and foremost, it is necessary to define the reasons which force adolescents to join criminals that are relevant in a particular area. In other words, it is important to find out what approach the bandits utilize for recruitment. Having learned the criminals mechanisms of influence, it is recommended to define vulnerable students who, potentially, can easily succumb to negative influence. This group of individuals requires precise attention of the police officer, who is supposed to work with the students and their role models. Knowing the plausible reasons of joining a gang, a police officer may address this problem to community in the mos t effective ways. There can be implemented explanatory conversations with school staff, parents and students regarding possible measures to avoid the illegal path. For instance, if a person has low self-esteem, it is relevant to consult school psychologist in order to improve self-evaluation. Besides, if a teenager experiences domestic violence or is abused by teachers or peers, s/he should be provided with a healthy and safe environment. It presumes that the guilty people should be punished and/or a child should be taken from hazardous life conditions. To succeed with these tasks, a police officer is supposed to establish trustworthy relations with vulnerable adolescents by conducting relevant conversations and, if necessary, assigning them to experts, such as physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists and others. What is more, it is required to encourage the adults to find proper ways to communicate with teenagers developing trust and emotional connections in which the youth feels c omfortable and safe. The increase in the number of gang members is similar to an epidemic and, thus, should be treated accordingly. In particular, the vulnerable persons should be strengthened and the infected ones should be cured, isolated from the community or, at the very least, their negative impact should be lessened by developing societal immunity. The effectiveness of police officers actions can be measured by the number of vulnerable teenagers that s/he managed to save from entering the illegal path by joining a neighborhood gang. For instance, the more graduates are not related to gangs, the bigger is officers success in individual attempts to eliminate the mobsters. Summing up the above-mentioned, one may deduce that reducing the number of gang members requires considerable efforts from both sides: police department and individual initiative of a police officer. What is more, it is a long process with remote and hardly predictable outcomes. The process of the control of gangs expansion presumes the identification of criminals methods of recruitment (what helps them to attract new members) and most probable reasons why the students may agree to join a group of bandits. Thereafter, it is important to distinguish young people who are more likely to fall under the gangs influence. Comprehending this information, an officer must involve qualified experts, who are supposed to help young people to reduce their susceptibility to criminals impact. Finally, a police officer must monitor the effectiveness of his/her work in order to be sure that the implemented approaches are relevant and bring good results. Buy custom The Problem of Gangs essay

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